Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mr. President! Speak Plainly to us! Please!

I do believe that President Obama sometimes gives the general public too much credit with understanding the english vocabulary. For example, when he conducted a AARP townhall, a caller asked about the "death panels." He said that this would be "kind of morbid." Some people talk like this all the time, but many, many people don't and would never use this word in every day language.
The White House should send grouplets to the deep south, for example, and have them attend Sunday morning services in old-fashion-good-ole-boy-fire-and-brimstone baptist churches. They should pay close attention to the words used by these preachers--very simple and very emotional. The same way these people deliver a sermon should be the same way Obama delivers his message on healthcare reform.
Do's and Don'ts:
1. Don't say, "That would be kind of morbid". Do say, "That would be horrible, and if anyone tells you I want this, they are lying! Don't let people lie to you."
2. Don't say, "The other side has distorted information." Do say, "The insurance companies, some republicans, conservative radio hosts are lying. How can you trust someone who lies to you that?"
3. Don't say, "The public option is a viable plan." Do say, "This public option is going to lower your premiums. Isn't that what you want? Better coverage and lower premiums?"
4. If a questioners asks, "How can the private insurance companies compete against the government?" Do say, "Insurance companies have been around before this country was founded, I have confidence that they will compete. Maybe their top-executives will have to live on $2 million per year salary instead of $100 million. Maybe they will be limited to buying 2 houses instead of 4 or 5."
Speak plain. Speak very simple. Keep the answers short, direct and forceful.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Calling All Veterans! Emergency!

Sunday, August 23, 2009